


CVCA电子月刊 2014年1月


                                  January, 2014


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Upcoming Events

China Venture Capital and Private Equity Management Course 2014, Shenzhen

Module 1: Fund Formation and Fundraising

Module 2: Deal Selection and Decision-making Process

Module 3: Deal Execution

Module 4: Post Investment Management and Exit


Format: Four main modules in two days


Language: Mandarin


Date/Venue: TBA

New Member Welcome Party - March 5, 2014, Beijing

New members of CVCA will enjoy an evening event on Wednesday, March 5 in Beijing. To RSVP, please contact Linlin Song at lin@cvca.org.cn.


Policy Update

CVCA Alert - AMAC to launch the record filing and registration for VC/PE funds

Supported Events

· EVCA International LP Workshop / EVCA Investors’ Forum – March 2014, Switzerland

· IFC/EMPEA 16th Annual Global Private Equity Conference – 13/14 May 2014, Washington, DC.

· BVCA Forum on Private Equity and Venture Capital in Asia - May 22, 2014, London

· The 4th Annual SuperReturn China 2014 - 7-11 April 2014, Kerry Hotel, Beijing


Copyright © 2008-2014 China Venture Capital and Private Equity Association. All rights reserved.


China Private Equity Matters

January Edition Now On-line

pe.jpgThe monthly China Private Equity Matters tracks the recent news in private equity and venture capital industry in the Greater China region; as well as provides comprehensive analysis on investment trends, policy development and government moves. It is open to CVCA Members only. 

Please read moreabout this month's issue.

Past Events

Buy-out Fund Development Seminar - 9 January 2014, Beijing

CVCA and AMAC conducted a seminar titled Buy-out Fund Development on January 9 in Beijing. The seminar attracted 12 CVCA member institutions including Hony Capital, CHD, Carlyle Capital, TPG, Goldstone, Primavera Capital, CMK Capital, CITIC Buy-out Funds, Sinvo Capital, OMM, Fangda and PwC.

