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Investor Relations Officer (IRO) Seminar


  Proposed Speakers:

(By the order in agenda)


Chen FU

Investor Relations Officer

Acorn International 

 Zhengjun LIU

Senior Manager of Global Business

Shanghai Stock Exchange


 Maggie CAO

Chief Representative of Shanghai Office

Hong Kong Stock Exchange


 Guangxun XU

China Chief Representative



 Diana Footitt,CEO Asia

Julian Wilson,Senior Vice President

Financial Dynamics


 Joseph CHAN

Managing Partner

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP


As the domestic and international business environment is becoming increasingly competitive for Chinese companies, they are facing tremendous challenges not only for customers and talents, but also for strong support of financial capital. Company executives are eager to learn how to secure high quality investments, how to best communicate with investors and in return how to gain fair and optimal stock valuations.

In light of this demand, Warburg Pincus, China Venture Capital Association (CVCA) and China Real Estate Developers and Investors Association (CREDIA) are jointly organizing a conference/training seminar on Investor Relations (IR) Best Practices. The seminar topics center on pre-IPO preparations from IR perspective for prospective public companies and post-IPO IR program formulations. Senior representatives from Shanghai Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, CFOs/Investor Relations Officers (IROs) from public companies, analysts, fund managers, financial media service providers and IR consultancies are invited to provide a 360 degree view of “IR” – a progressively critical corporate function at Chinese public companies.

The seminar will be held on September 11, 2007 at Skyway Landis Hotel in Shanghai. We hereby cordially invite you and CFOs or IROs of your companies to attend this event, which we believe would offer a both educational and inspiring experience to all participants. To learn more about the event agenda, please click here.

For registration, please click here to fill out the registration form which should be faxed together with the payment slip back to:

86-21-64401569 (Shanghai).

Because of travel schedule changes by some speakers, the event originally planned in Beijing has to be combined with the one in Shanghai . We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Due to the seat limitation, the registration deadline is September 3, 2007.

Should you request further information, please feel free to contact Ms. Zhang or Ms. Zhao at CVCA (86-10-85150829) or Ms. Zhang at CREDIA (86-21-64401318*101)



 Stella CHEN



Equity Analyst

Bear Stearns Asia Ltd 

 Qiang ZHAO

Guangda Securities



Warburg PincusChina Venture Capital AssociationChina Real Estate Developers and Investors Association

 Andrew TONG


SYWG BNP Paribas


 Jerry WU


Dalton Investments


 Zhewen WANG

Fortis Haitong Investment Management Co. Ltd,


 Yujie CHEN

Xinhua PR Newswire 

Supporting Organization:

